حساب جديد
تسجيل دخول
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طريقة الاشتراك
معمارية اداره قواعد البيانات (نظم اداره قواعد البيانات)
لا نحلل لاي طالب ان يشارك ايميله مع طلبة اخرين ولا نحلل مشاهدة هذا الدرس لاكتر من طالب بنفس الحساب
معمارية اداره قواعد البيانات (نظم اداره قواعد البيانات)CS 361
المعلم : رولا محمد خليل شقرة
500 ريال
اشترك بالكورس
3 ايام ضمان الاسترجاع بالكامل
الحلقات :
الدخول من الكمبيوتر و الموبايل
جروب للتواصل المباشر
محتويات المقرر
Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory
Introduction to Transaction Processing
Why we need concurrency control
Why recovery is needed
Transaction and System Concepts
Characterizing Schedules based on Serializability
Testing for conflict serializability Algorithm
Database Concurrency Control
Database Concurrency Control -1
Database Concurrency Control -2
Database Concurrency Control -3
Database Recovery Techniques
Purpose of Database Recovery
Data Update
Other Database Recovery Concepts
Database Security
Introduction to Database Security Issues
Database Security and the DBA
Access Protection, User Accounts, and Database Audits
Types of Discretionary Privileges
Specifying Privileges Using Views -1
Specifying Privileges Using Views -2
Mandatory Access Control
Role-Based Access Control
Access Control Policies for E-Commerce and the Web
Introduction to Statistical Database Security
Introduction to Flow Control
تمارين و نماذج أختبارات
نموذج أختبار
نموذج أختبار
deferred update recovery technique
Immediate update technique
Immediate update
final-record log
Serial schedule-final
Indexing Structures for Files
Indexing Files-1
Primary Index-2
Distributed Database Concepts
Distributed Database System
Data Fragmentation, Replication and Allocation
Types of Distributed Database Systems
Query Processing in Distributed Databases-1
Query Processing in Distributed Databases-2
Disk Storage, Basic File Structures, Hashing, and Modern Storage Architectures
Memory Hierarchies and Storage Devices
Secondary Storage Devices
Parallelizing Disk Access Using RAID Technology
Enhanced Data Models: Introduction to Active, Temporal, Spatial, Multimedia, and Deductive Databases
Active Database Concepts and Triggers
Design and Implementation Issues for Active Databases
Temporal Database Concepts
Spatial Database
Multimedia Database Concepts
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تسجيل دخول
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