اتصالات البيانات وشبكات الحاسب
لا نحلل لاي طالب ان يشارك ايميله مع طلبة اخرين ولا نحلل مشاهدة هذا الدرس لاكتر من طالب بنفس الحساب
Fundamentals of data communications: Essential Elements of Data Communications: Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full Duplex Transmission, Basic concepts of networking: network concepts, network criteria, network applications and benefits, Configurations, topologies and categories of networks: line configuration, network topologies (mesh, star, tree, bus, ring, hybrid), internetwork or internet, types of network connection (peer-to-peer network, server-based network, combined network), intranet and extranet.
Introduction to OSI and TCP/IP models: The OSI Model, The OSI layers, TCP/IP Protocol Suite.
Physical layer and media: Analogue and Digital Signals, Periodic and Non-Periodic Signals, Signal Parameters, Time and Frequency Domains Concepts, Types of Channels, Transmission Impairment,
Transmission Media: Guided Media, Unguided Media, Circuit and packet switching.
Data link layer control: framing, error control and flow control, Error detection and correction techniques: VRC, LRC, CRC, Checksum and Hamming code techniques.
Networking and internetworking devices.
Student will be trained on the existing components and product related to Cisco such as wireless networking, Switches, routers, etc. Cellular Communication and Satellite Communication.